Coaches, Referee & Parents Information
Wet Weather Info and Grounds Status
CALL: 0410 426 862For wet weather updates please contact the number for latest information or visit Campbelltown Council's Sports Ground Status page.
Direct Payments to the Club
Account Details: Campbelltown Cobras Soccer ClubBSB: 082184Account Number: 943150733
Direct payments can be made to the bank account. Please Make sure you include your surname as reference and send an email to confirming the payment
Please note, direct payment to Play Football is required for all registrations at the time of registering.
Direct payments can be made to the bank account. Please Make sure you include your surname as reference and send an email to confirming the payment
Please note, direct payment to Play Football is required for all registrations at the time of registering.
Coaching Courses & Training Resources
At Campbelltown Cobras SC we have access to a wealth of training and resources through the Macarthur Football Association. Please visit the coaching resources page for access to apps, training tips, workshops and courses (free and paid course are available).
Coaches are encouraged to download the 'Mojo' app for additional resources, videos and support with building high quality training sessions.
Macarthur District Football Referees Association
You can click on the guides below to view them or 'right click' on them and then save to you computer to keep a local copy
LATEST COACHES Manager Handbook 2018.pdf